Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Australian soldiers injured in Iraq blast

This article is about two Australisn were injuried by a roadside bomb when they were driving to Dhi Qar province, north of An Nasariyah, at about 6.30pm local time yesterday. the defence said their wound would not threat their lives and they have been moved to US hospital for treating, but this is not the first time that IED attack Austalian.

A numbers of past simple form was used, while only one model word and one past perfect form was adopted in this article.

The news is from NZ herald which is a resouce concerning about the issues happened in Brigadier. More news will come after around the world. Let us have a go to see.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Hi! I'm Helen. I'm studying English at Unitec. I was from Hainan China, and have been NZ for three years. Although I have been spending time struggling with my language barriers, to know a new country's culture and make new friends, I really enjoy studying and my leisure life. In my free time I would like to invite friends to go fishing or play badminton. Something should happen with joys when you guys study at Unitec. Have you got any? Don't forget, make fun in you life.

the Summary --Union

A lecture relating to the Union in New Zealand was made by Sarah Hardman on the 3rd Mar., 2007. It interpreted that a union was workers' organization voluntary associated or unions further their mutual interests with respects, wages, working hours, working conditions and orther matters of interest to workers. It also mentioned the necessities of a union. Joining in a union might work at fair pay and work conditions. It was a voice of the entitlement to the safe and healthy at working places and the quality of opportunities. There was a few interesting information such as 330,000 people belong to a union, and of these, the member- percentage of women was 51.5% that slightly more than men. Employers had right to choose the union leader, same as Members can choose the union leader. However the good faith bargain, meeting to agree with the employers and information sharing were more preferred rather than strikes which was strongly suggested to commit after agreement expired with reasonable notice. Based on these benefits, Sarah suggested everyone should go to a union if necessary.