Sunday, May 20, 2007

the film review(oral skills 2--week 5)

The longest Yard

This film focused on Paul Crewe’s experience in the Allewlille prison in Texas State, U.S.A.

As well known his achievement at football as he had cheated in a match , Pawl Crewe became a loser scorned by his fans. he viciously committed an serious car accident that leaded to verdict in jail for several years. The warden of the Allewlille prison aiming to be the director of the State was planning a show of football match between the cop team and prisoner team. Pawl was demanded to select the members of the prison team and try out them who even had no idea of football. The warden also threatened that Pawl must commit cheating again to let the cop team win in the end of the match., otherwise he had to spend his life in prison for 25 years. The ending of the film are excited me that Pawl Crewe behaved himself like a hero and was back to be a honesty star of his team and football fans. They won the match proudly.

The director--Peter Segal, successfully delighted the characters’ inside conflict and delivered an attractive complete story to the audience. Meanwhile Adam Sandler played a role of the excellent professional football superstar. This film interprets such a spirit even in prison which is “never, ever cheating to yourselves and others”

about the lecture (oral skills 2--week 10)

On April 24, 2007, Philippa Fox, an English teacher in Unitec language centre, delivered an interesting lecture about “New Zild English”.

According to Philippa, New Zealand English is a language different from standard English which including England English, Cockland English, American English and Australian English and so on. New Zealand English has influenced by climate, nasal infections, false teeth and laziness. When New Zealander speaking English, they usually don’t open their mouth, but mumble. New Zealand is described as a mixing bowl just because people come and move from place to place, then mix up a special accent. The original English at first in New Zealand is British English. Year pass year, this language has so far changed influencing by multi-nations, the Media, Maori culture, also American movies. The accent of New Zealand English is highlighted its character at vowels, diphthongs, extra syllables and high rinsing intonation, other reason. For example, “Fish and chips” has shift into “fush and chups”, “six” to “sex”. Furthermore, some vocabularies derive from other countries’ slam. Finally, Philippa suggested the students to visit the NZ language centre website and see “the story of New Zild English ” in Language learning centre of Unitec.
This lecture outlined the history of New Zealand English and had a clear trace its development which is impressionable.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

summary--the news from NZherald(text beased skills--week 6)

This news is about drug trial that brings hope to who experient multiple miscarriages.
Noemi Capunitan, after taking the drug combination, succeeded to get pregnancy and finally have a daughter now 6 months old. There are a lot of reasons lead to recurrent miscarriages. Mrs Capunitan suffering three times miscarriages was introduced to have the daily regime of aspirin and heparin. This trial proves that the success of the combination of the two medicine. Dr. Mclintock, the leader of the research group, expects that more and more women will be recuited. While the study needs to go further on the treament because it deos not work on every woman. It is still too early to be sure the tial is successful. So people are encouraged to be volunteers to join to the tial. The phone number and website is given in the end of the article for more information.

an article about China in Chani Dialy (text based skills--week10)

This is a quite sensitive topic relating to a criticism of China strengthening. there is a link to the article from Chinadailly. i choose this article because i would like to take the writer's view at different way.

This article analyses the growth of China from economic, technological area and military power to state that China's strenthening is not bad news for Amerca. even though i was not interested in the polical divarication between countries. i have been thinking about China's strenthening actually just is its own business, which was unneccesarily connected to give pressure on other countries. the development of a country should invove in its experience that been influencing. as coming aross the culture revolution, the development of China had been levelled off during the past decades, then grow to be stronger recently reflected on people' living standard.

now people rather focus on working with USA and other countries on glabal problems such as global warming, energy security and Ialamic extremism etc than threatening. it is silly to outcry of the competition always. we all hope peace spreading through the world for ever.

Globalisation - food & shopping(oral skills 2--week 7)

picture 1
picture 2

I like shopping. I have been shopping in both supermarket and local market. Some goods are available in both markets. I used to compare the prices between them and think about what I need to buy anything else in the market, Then decide which one to go. Someone advices that it is so convenient to shop in the supermarket where you can get what you need. you can also get special purchase of good quality commodities domestic and imported.

From picture 1, there are a great deal of luxury vegetable and fruit being layout orderly. Some of them are imported. As i see the lemons are from California. All the lemon in the same size had been washed and polished. In contrast, the local market in picture 2 is so far different. there are many spots where you buy and pay after. it doesn't have many sorts of vegetable. But i prefer shopping in local market because the goods are fresh eventhough they don't have a good looking. They are just from farms that you may get a shock when a worm is found in the vegetable.

both of supermarket and local market have its advantages and disadvantages. It depends on consuming condition and personal living style.

Monday, May 14, 2007

oral skill 2

the Summary --Union
A lecture relating to the Union in New Zealand was made by Sarah Hardman on the 3rd Mar., 2007. It interpreted that a union was workers' organization voluntary associated or unions further their mutual interests with respects, wages, working hours, working conditions and orther matters of interest to workers. It also mentioned the necessities of a union. Joining in a union might work at fair pay and work conditions. It was a voice of the entitlement to the safe and healthy at working places and the quality of opportunities. There was a few interesting information such as 330,000 people belong to a union, and of these, the member- percentage of women was 51.5% that slightly more than men. Employers had right to choose the union leader, same as Members can choose the union leader. However the good faith bargain, meeting to agree with the employers and information sharing were more preferred rather than strikes which was strongly suggested to commit after agreement expired with reasonable notice. Based on these benefits, Sarah suggested everyone should go to a union if necessary.

Comparason of pictures(Oral skills 2--week 9)

Both two pictures show the students' activities in classroom. In the first one, students seem to be more relaxed. some are discussing, some students are doing their work individually. there is one just walking around who seems to look for something. Another little student is standing by the teacher and watching. According to those students' behaviour, I guess that it may be a primary class.

Comparing to picture 1, students in picture 2 are more quiet and serious. They are putting hands up to wait for answering question They are all paying attention to the teacher. Therefore i think maybe it is a maths class. As i can remenber, maths class is intelletual ly motivated class, which i used to be very tense but interested in. I tried to answer cerroctly and did appropriatly. Students had competed with each other in my class to achieve higher scores.

From these two pictures, it states that different stages result in different ways to behave.