Sunday, May 6, 2007

A messy break

It was a headache break I never had. it just was a nightmare.

My friends went to China. She had two children who need to look after. I was the unlucky person she asked me to do her a favor to take care of them. First of all I did not consider it was a big deal. I certainly assured that was easy job to do. The following two weeks. I was buying with driving them to play badminton, go swimming, play golf and had extract lesson of maths. and science. Everyday I rushed to cook meal for those two lazy kids. More worse thing I found their dish washing machine has been broken. I was really headache to wash the plates from morning to evening. After I finished all the chores, I had already exhausted. I tried to do some homework and reading or watching TV, the results were that I fell into sleeping before planning. Those two little evils fought often and screamed annoyed me. What a hard time for me to be a “house-keep”--I always make joke to my friend when we met .

It is not easy being a parent to raise children by now I know.

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