Tuesday, May 15, 2007

an article about China in Chani Dialy (text based skills--week10)

This is a quite sensitive topic relating to a criticism of China strengthening. there is a link to the article from Chinadailly. i choose this article because i would like to take the writer's view at different way.

This article analyses the growth of China from economic, technological area and military power to state that China's strenthening is not bad news for Amerca. even though i was not interested in the polical divarication between countries. i have been thinking about China's strenthening actually just is its own business, which was unneccesarily connected to give pressure on other countries. the development of a country should invove in its experience that been influencing. as coming aross the culture revolution, the development of China had been levelled off during the past decades, then grow to be stronger recently reflected on people' living standard.

now people rather focus on working with USA and other countries on glabal problems such as global warming, energy security and Ialamic extremism etc than threatening. it is silly to outcry of the competition always. we all hope peace spreading through the world for ever.

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