Monday, May 14, 2007

Comparason of pictures(Oral skills 2--week 9)

Both two pictures show the students' activities in classroom. In the first one, students seem to be more relaxed. some are discussing, some students are doing their work individually. there is one just walking around who seems to look for something. Another little student is standing by the teacher and watching. According to those students' behaviour, I guess that it may be a primary class.

Comparing to picture 1, students in picture 2 are more quiet and serious. They are putting hands up to wait for answering question They are all paying attention to the teacher. Therefore i think maybe it is a maths class. As i can remenber, maths class is intelletual ly motivated class, which i used to be very tense but interested in. I tried to answer cerroctly and did appropriatly. Students had competed with each other in my class to achieve higher scores.

From these two pictures, it states that different stages result in different ways to behave.

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