Saturday, May 5, 2007

Effects of Globalization

As so far as people realize, children’s education has been more and more concerned. Children sent to oversea school become very common,. While students now can be taught in high quality and with same methods in their own countries because oversea schools have set up their branch over there. Then these lead to culture exchanging among students. Sometime you may notice that someone was talking about what are happening when passing by. Possibly you suddenly realize that over another semi-sphere people have another interesting lives.
Another effect of Globalization is food. On the Auckland streets you may find a great deal of restaurants from different countries with attractive tastes. It also supplis thousands of export food in supermarkets which it is just like a dream during the past age.
However after counting so many good effects of Globalization, people can not forget that the competition between countries and countries has becoming fierce not only of market, such as share stock, products market but also of students’educating. Students are crammed to learn knowledge most from books in China. A number of exam are complained everyday therefore teacher are banned to give much homework and stress to students. Effects of Globalization have advantages and disadvantages it is vital to balance them based on your condition.

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