Sunday, May 20, 2007

the film review(oral skills 2--week 5)

The longest Yard

This film focused on Paul Crewe’s experience in the Allewlille prison in Texas State, U.S.A.

As well known his achievement at football as he had cheated in a match , Pawl Crewe became a loser scorned by his fans. he viciously committed an serious car accident that leaded to verdict in jail for several years. The warden of the Allewlille prison aiming to be the director of the State was planning a show of football match between the cop team and prisoner team. Pawl was demanded to select the members of the prison team and try out them who even had no idea of football. The warden also threatened that Pawl must commit cheating again to let the cop team win in the end of the match., otherwise he had to spend his life in prison for 25 years. The ending of the film are excited me that Pawl Crewe behaved himself like a hero and was back to be a honesty star of his team and football fans. They won the match proudly.

The director--Peter Segal, successfully delighted the characters’ inside conflict and delivered an attractive complete story to the audience. Meanwhile Adam Sandler played a role of the excellent professional football superstar. This film interprets such a spirit even in prison which is “never, ever cheating to yourselves and others”

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