Tuesday, May 15, 2007

summary--the news from NZherald(text beased skills--week 6)

This news is about drug trial that brings hope to who experient multiple miscarriages.
Noemi Capunitan, after taking the drug combination, succeeded to get pregnancy and finally have a daughter now 6 months old. There are a lot of reasons lead to recurrent miscarriages. Mrs Capunitan suffering three times miscarriages was introduced to have the daily regime of aspirin and heparin. This trial proves that the success of the combination of the two medicine. Dr. Mclintock, the leader of the research group, expects that more and more women will be recuited. While the study needs to go further on the treament because it deos not work on every woman. It is still too early to be sure the tial is successful. So people are encouraged to be volunteers to join to the tial. The phone number and website is given in the end of the article for more information.

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