Sunday, May 20, 2007

about the lecture (oral skills 2--week 10)

On April 24, 2007, Philippa Fox, an English teacher in Unitec language centre, delivered an interesting lecture about “New Zild English”.

According to Philippa, New Zealand English is a language different from standard English which including England English, Cockland English, American English and Australian English and so on. New Zealand English has influenced by climate, nasal infections, false teeth and laziness. When New Zealander speaking English, they usually don’t open their mouth, but mumble. New Zealand is described as a mixing bowl just because people come and move from place to place, then mix up a special accent. The original English at first in New Zealand is British English. Year pass year, this language has so far changed influencing by multi-nations, the Media, Maori culture, also American movies. The accent of New Zealand English is highlighted its character at vowels, diphthongs, extra syllables and high rinsing intonation, other reason. For example, “Fish and chips” has shift into “fush and chups”, “six” to “sex”. Furthermore, some vocabularies derive from other countries’ slam. Finally, Philippa suggested the students to visit the NZ language centre website and see “the story of New Zild English ” in Language learning centre of Unitec.
This lecture outlined the history of New Zealand English and had a clear trace its development which is impressionable.

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