Tuesday, May 8, 2007

the Dip Tip (week 9)

It is a fantastic tip for the classmates having fun together. that was a tuesday moring which we were quite worried about the wether. So many classmates with their unbrellaes were going to Cafe La Vinci, where is located in Titirangi Village up Titirangi Road. I planned to go fishing with Buchao, flint and orther classmates. that is why we were so concerned about the wether.

at 9:30 we arrived the Cafe. Jan has already been there. We started chatting and having coffee. Emma and i were both interested in decoration of houses. We shared our favour and different views of the house styles and colours. while Katie, who is form another class gave another special and creative idea of the layouts in a house with color matching. she prefers a simple and leisure way to design of her house.

About 10:30, we drove derectly to the small bridge and started fishing near Cornwallis Beach. Until Jan and other mates came over from the beach. Then we went to share lunch together. I was very appreciate Anita's food. She cooked a yummy spiced chicken in a simple way that i can try to do it at home. I love meat and vegtable. after having chicken, i take some salad, some chips and other food. i really enjoyed the lunch because we can had different tasts.

the rest time of the trip we spended on catching fish. An interesting thing is one guy who caught a Kura attached a rose-pink balloon on his big hook and hooked the Kura on its back.then he let the Kura go back to the sea being a bait to try to get another big fish. That is i never know before.

we all had a great trip, did we?

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